Introducing Phits 3D Printed Orthotics to Surrey Foot Service

  As a podiatrists passionate about the integration of technology into patient care, we’re thrilled to announce the arrival of Phits 3D Printed Orthotics at Surrey Foot Service. This cutting-edge solution, grounded in dynamic gait analysis, allows us to craft truly personalised orthotics like never before. The Journey to Perfect Fit Our journey begins with… Continue reading Introducing Phits 3D Printed Orthotics to Surrey Foot Service


Podiatrist Vacancy  £35-60k on target earnings per annum.  We are looking for a full or part time employed Podiatrist to join our amazing team at Surrey Foot Service.  At Surrey Foot Service we solve foot pain to keep our patients active. We want you to share in our ethos and goals, fit seamlessly into our… Continue reading PODIATRIST REQUIRED!

Fungal Infections

Good morning, everybody. Fungal infections and fungal nails. I know that most of you watching this probably have had, or currently have one, or will at some point in your life have a fungal infection in your feet. You might be horrified to hear this, but it is so normal. We see it every single… Continue reading Fungal Infections

Callus and Corns

Today we’re talking about callus and corns, a very common treatment in podiatry, we see it day in day out. Multiple people have these problems. The reason being so what’s callus? For starters, callus is a diffuse area of hard skin, which we often find on the foot. And it’s caused by pressure. And it’s… Continue reading Callus and Corns

Achilles Tendinopathy

  Today’s topic is Achilles tendinopathy. What is that I hear you cry? Well, it’s basically a pain in your heel, let me show you. So just here your Achilles runs from your heel bone up into the calf, okay. It’s a big thick tendon. Okay. And we’ve seen quite a lot of people who… Continue reading Achilles Tendinopathy

What is Toenail Reconstruction?

  Today’s topic is toenail reconstruction, and I have been in quite a lot of these lately and it’s quite an interesting aspect of our work here in the podiatry clinic as it’s a little bit different, it’s more cosmetic, rather than clinical if you like. So what is toenail reconstruction? It is, it’s almost… Continue reading What is Toenail Reconstruction?

Ingrown Toenails Can Be Fixed!

So today we’re talking about ingrown toenails. We see an awful lot of these in our clinic. So what is an ingrown toenail? Basically, it’s when the edge of your nail starts digging into the skin slightly, and it starts causing you a little bit of pain, inflammation, and if it’s not treated, it can… Continue reading Ingrown Toenails Can Be Fixed!

Why Am I Getting Heel Pain?

  Heel pain is our topic today and we see this every single day in clinic. So what exactly is heel pain? Heel pain is any pain which you get under or around your heel, and it’s comes and goes, or it’s constant. It’s not just a one off thing.   So what causes heel… Continue reading Why Am I Getting Heel Pain?

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